JB Minton
A Skeleton Key To Twin Peaks 2nd Edition
[Podcast] Week 8: 'Twin Peaks Movie Club on Substack

Paid episode

The full episode is only available to paid subscribers of JB Minton

[Podcast] Week 8: 'Twin Peaks Movie Club on Substack

Twin Peaks The Return Part One (Aired May 21, 2017)

If you love Twin Peaks, subscribe here and now.

The scene outside The Salish Lodge & Spa in October, 2017. Taken by the author.

Start At The Beginning

This Week’s Syllabus

  1. Watch Twin Peaks: The Return “Part One”

  2. Read the following chapters in your textbook: A Skeleton Key To Twin Peaks, 2nd Edition. by


Limited access to this copyrighted material is by explicit permission of the author and only available for this free cost during the active running of this course in 2024. The final version will be available in book format shortly after the conclusion of this course.

Extra Credit (Paids Subscribers Only):

  1. Listen to my conversation with John Thorne about the baggage we bring into Twin Peaks The Return and why it matters to how we appreciate art and live our lives. Listen below:

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JB Minton
A Skeleton Key To Twin Peaks 2nd Edition
JB Minton takes you minute by minute, scene by scene, hour by hour, through all 18 hours of Twin Peaks The Return. With detailed analysis in the form of an iconographic framework, charts, graphs, and detailed synopsis of every scene followed by in-depth analysis and essays, the author explores all facets of this masterpiece, Twin Peaks The Return.