Friends, it is my unique pleasure today to introduce a man I’ve been introducing for two years, and it never grows old.
Before there were dozens of podcasts and Youtube channels dedicated to all facets of Twin Peaks, from episode guides, to thematic breakdowns, to the world of Twin Peaks tattooing, there was a lonely but powerful magazine made of actual paper. It was co-created by two deeply devoted fans of Twin Peaks.
One co-creator is with us today, and I’m proud to call him a friend.
JOHN THORNE has been writing and communicating his thoughts and feelings about Twin Peaks for over 30 years.
He holds a Bachelor of Science in Technical Communications and a Master’s Degree in Television Production from Southern Methodist University. Few people were more qualified to create a magazine dedicated to one of the most important dramatic series ever produced and broadcast on both the small and big screen.
Once referred to by Entertainment Weekly as a “cool cult favorite,” Wrapped In Plastic was a bi-monthly periodical devoted to an analysis of David Lynch and Mark Frost’s work and featured in-depth essays and interviews with Twin Peaks actors, writers, and producers.
Wrapped In Plastic concluded in 2005 after 13 years, 75 issues and over a million published words.
After Wrapped In Plastic, John went on to:
Publish a book: The Essential Wrapped In Plastic: Pathways To Twin Peaks
He co-created The Blue Rose Magazine with Scott Ryan
He co-created the In Our House Now: An Inquiry Into Twin Peaks The Return with me.
He is preparing to publish his next book on The Return later this year.
John Thorne, welcome.
Gratitude to Warren Friedrich for inviting John and me to participate in this wonderful charity event.
Consider joining me here on Substack in this Small Awakenings newsletter as I revise and expand the 2nd Edition of the 420-page First Edition of my book A Skeleton Key To Twin Peaks. You will think deeper and differently about Twin Peaks The Return when we finish this revision later this year. You will be able to convey your unique points of view about The Return.
Publishing weekly installments, including:
Foreword By Scott Ryan, Author & Managing Owner of Fayetteville Mafia Press
Introduction By Jeff Lemire, Author and Artist Whose Graphic Novels Are Enjoyed Around The World
Scene By Scene Breakdowns For All Eighteen Hours Of Twin Peaks The Return
Scene By Scene, Second By Second Breakdown Of The Story Being Told
Episode By Episode Time and Focus Analytics That Reveal How Much Time Is Being Spent Telling the Accumulated Story Up To Each Episode
Scene By Scene Recaps In The Author’s Voice
Scene By Scene Detailed Analysis Following Each Scene Recap
Complete Cast List For Each Episode
Musical Credits For Each Episode
Dedications For Each Episode
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